Web Design Bentonville | Modern Minimalism On The Web

The design of a website can make or break your business right?  If this is so, then the pressure is high to give your potential customers the best experience when visiting your website.  More businesses and corporations are turning to modern minimalism to attract customers in current years, primarily because it streamlines the experience and customers will return.  Minimalism is an art in web design that is focused on eliminating everything that isn’t necessary.

The ‘Less Is More’ Motto

The main idea of modern minimalism is ‘less is more’.  Once you have an idea of what is important to feature on your website, then the art happens.  Not only visually, but emotionally the art of your website will come from elimination.  Taking away everything that doesn’t have importance and then a little more and a little more until you are left with only the things that are completely necessary.  This is modern minimalism.  Minimal Exhibit  is a great place to get an idea of what is achieved with the ‘less is more’ motto.  You may notice that fonts tend to take the place of unnecessary graphics, that are typically used in a site that isn’t minimal.


It’s not all black and white.  The use of color is definitely allowed in modern minimalism.  On the best minimal websites there are colors but most of the sites will have a muted theme or one predominate color, which accents the simple site.  This helps make your site flat and appealing.  Too many colors tend to be distracting and don’t lend to the functionality of your website.  The visual art that draws a person into the site is not the absence of color, rather the specific use of the color(s).  Your color is your focal point within the white space.


Your website’s content will need to be centered around the customers ability to educate themselves.  Modern minimalism is usually centered around being fresh, interesting and having a point to every word.  Your content is the most effected by the process of elimination.  Some things you may want to eliminate are secondary pages, introductions, taglines and descriptions.  The flow of the site will be determined by the amount of content on each page.  Simple and functional are the keys to great content for minimalism.

Is Your Website Functional?

Every process up until this point is about elimination.  But do you have a functional site?  Does this site give your customers what they want and need to satisfy their goals on your site?  If you can answer these questions with a ‘yes’ then you are ready to move forward with concrete plans for a modern minimalism website.  Contact Simplemachine to learn more.
