7 Ways to Brand Your Business | Simplemachine

Business Branding | Digital Marketing Agency

Starting a business can be easy, but sustaining a business is a skill on its own. You need to establish your brand to your potential customers. This means that you need to spend time nurturing your business.

For you to gain customers and keep your business afloat, people need to know about you. They should learn to associate your products with your brand.
Branding can be done by having a unique logo, slogan or theme color. Your customer service can also help make your brand stand out.

The following are 7 ways to brand your business:

1. Understand Your Place In The Market

You need to understand your place in the market. Know your target market and whom you want to sell your products and services to.

You also need to understand your target persona. This means you need to know the needs, likes and wants of your potential customers. When you understand all this, it makes it easier for you to understand what you need to offer them.

This information helps you reach the right target audience. You get to understand how you can deliver products to the market and at what price. This ensures that your business runs smoothly. Also, it ensures that the right people can associate with your brand and products.

This will make marketing and advertising easy since you know whom you want to deliver the message to.

2. Develop Your Voice And Unique Identity

After you have chosen your persona and target market, the next step is to develop your unique voice and identity. This is to show who you are and what your brand is all about.

You create a brand identity that potential customers and your competitors can associate with you. It should be something unique that can only be identified with your brand.

This can be a unique logo and slogan that makes people know that it’s associated with your company without thinking about it. You need to show what you stand for and some of your beliefs. What do you want your potential customers to say about you?

All these show your unique qualities and help you stand out. This makes it easier for you to establish your brand. Your unique voice and personality can be seen through your campaigns, communications, mascots and taglines.

Ensure that you personify your brand so that it can resonate with your audience.

3. Have A Strong Social Media And Online Presence

For you to establish brand loyalty, your social media presence should be great. You need to be active on all social media platforms. Develop consistency and post new content regularly.

Most people spend their time online going through social media platforms or surfing the net. For you to capture the attention of potential customers, you need to establish your online presence.

Create a website where you can post your products and market your services. This will enable people to find your products easily. Also, people tend to trust brands that have a strong online presence. This shows that they have faith in their products and the services that are offered.

Work on getting unique content to post on all your social media sites. This is to keep your audience interested and in the know of what new products are on the market.

4. Have Great Customer Service

One thing that attracts customers to your brand is how you make them feel. How do you deliver your services? How is your connection with your customers? Do you have a relationship with your customers?

Once you establish a close relationship with your customers, it’s easier to establish brand loyalty. Customers talk among themselves and discuss your services and products. They talk about the experience they had from your company. If your response time is fast, they end up praising your brand and recommending it to their friends and families. If your customer service is poor, they don’t want anybody close to them to have an awful experience.

Great customer service should not be given at the time of sale only. You need to extend the service until after sales also. This will make your customer likely to shop with you again.

Also, great customer service can reduce the need to advertise your brand since you’ll be getting referrals from satisfied customers.

5. Keep A Close Watch On Your Competitors

Keeping a close watch on your competitors doesn’t necessarily mean that you copy what they’re doing. However, you need to know how they market their products. How they establish their brand? How is their customer service? How do they do their branding? What type of reviews do they get?

Know how they manage to establish brand loyalty. Get to know the dos and don’ts of the business. This is how you learn how you can brand your business.
Learning from your mistakes is the best way to know what works for your brand and what doesn’t work. You don’t have to always learn from your own mistakes. Take a look at your competitor’s past mistakes and know what can and can’t work.

Keep a close eye on what works for them. Don’t follow all the tricks they use. Remember, your brand should be unique.

6. Consider Co-Branding

Establishing brand loyalty can be hard if your business is new. This is because you might not have a larger audience as with the other large companies. Co-branding gives your business the exposure it needs to grow.

One thing you need to consider before negotiating a co-branding agreement is what you have to offer. The larger companies have a bigger audience, and most likely, your market numbers may be little.

The arrangement needs to be a win-win situation. The larger companies won’t be willing to co-brand with your company if you’re not offering them anything

Also consider your partner’s target audience. Will they be interested in what you have to offer? Will they trust your brand and want to try out your products? Remember, the main aim of having this partnership is to ensure that you are getting more customers and clients. You should also consider the beliefs of your partner. Do they align with your beliefs? You need a great partnership that aligns with some of your beliefs and helps your brand stand out.

7. Integrate Your Branding In Everything You Do

Your branding process never stops since your business keeps growing. You need to integrate your brand to all the activities you take part in.

When using social media and your website, ensure that your brand can be recognized. This can be done using the same color background throughout all the sites. Choose a color that shows your brand.

Also, your packaging, taglines and logo should show what your brand is all about. Ensure that people can relate to your brand anywhere.

Aim at establishing a brand online and offline to reach a larger market.


Establishing your brand is the key to growing and expanding your business. A great brand can cope with competition and establish brand loyalty. Contact us at Simplemachine if you want to create a website, drive traffic to your website or develop social media presence.

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