Business blogging has become an important part of every company’s marketing strategy. If your business is not currently blogging you are falling behind your competition. Blogging can seem like a daunting task and finding the best blogging platform can seem confusing.
There are a number of blogging platforms available to businesses but you need to find the best blogging platform that fits your needs. Most businesses don’t need anything fancy or on the bleeding edge of technology for their blogs. However, you will need to have some customization options to get your blog look just right and keep the look consistent with your company brand.
The best blogging platform for the majority of businesses (big and small) is WordPress. It is one of the most popular platforms in the world and best of all it is free. Adopting WordPress as your blogging platform has many benefits.
Easy To Use And Install
When many business owners hear about adding on new software they get an image of IT guys descending on their office and spending hours working on their computer system. This is not the case with WordPress.With the simple click of a button you can be up and blogging in less than five minutes.
The WordPress interface is very intuitive and simply designed. You can start publishing content right away.
There are literally thousands of free and low cost themes available for WordPress. This will allow you to customize your blog any way you like. The free themes are less customizable but the paid themes are very affordable; most cost between $50 and $150.
Even fs you have no experience with web design you can easily create a professional looking blog with a few clicks of your mouse.
No Coding Needed
Because WordPress is so simple to use you do not need to know any coding at all. If you want to change one element on your blog you can simply drag and drop it or delete it all together with a click of the mouse.
One of the greatest features of the WordPress platform is the number of plugins that are available. WordPress is reporting that there are currently over 43,000 plugins available to install. These plugins can dramatically enhance the usability and effectiveness of your blog.
Some of the most popular plugins will help your SEO optimization, reader comments, Google indexing, social media sharing and much more.
SEO Friendly
One of the reasons WordPress is considered the best blogging platform is that it is optimized for search engines. When you add a simple SEO plugin to WordPress you greatly increase your chances of ranking highly in the search engines.
Of course, you will need to publish fresh, relevant content that your readers value but getting your SEO correct is the first step. When you combine effective SEO with a solid blogging strategy your posts will start to reach a wider audience.
Blogging can greatly increase the number of qualified leads your business generates an a monthly basis and that will lead to more sales. They key to content marketing is to produce valuable content on a regular basis. Choosing the best blogging platform for your business needs is the first step.
If you are unsure how to get started in content marketing or if your efforts so far have not gotten the results you expected, contact us today and we can help to get your digital marketing strategy off the ground.