3 Benefits Of Original Content For Your Marketing Campaign | Simplemachine

Original Content Benefits | Simplemachine

In this modern era, advertisements are everywhere. From YouTube videos to blog articles to in-app displays, it is becoming more difficult to run away from ads. While there is a lot of annoying, negative advertising, businesses are given a fantastic opportunity to stop with the interrupting advertisements and help their customers get the products, services, or even information needed. This is the world of content marketing which focuses on generating sales by giving customers exactly what they are searching for.

The following article lists the top three benefits of utilizing original material for your next marketing campaign. These ideas are valuable assets for helping to take your business to the next level.

Original Content Defined

Original content is written, photographic or video content that has not been copied, spin, re-worded or re-hashed, a practice that plagues the Internet. In fact, there are even programs that automated the re-spinning of articles. Utilizing original content can help make your company an online authority on a specific subject while meeting your brand requirements. Original material is so valuable because the audience has not read or seen the information before. It’s fresh, it’s innovative, and it’s an original thought.

Being Original

Generating original copy is a difficult task. The good news is, the harder the task, the better online response you will receive when compared to a spun article or re-hashed video. Delivering high-quality anything takes more time because of the amount of research and editing that is required to create the desired vision.

3 Benefits of Original Content

Now that you are aware of the impact original copy can have on promoting your business and allowing the user to access the information they need; it is time to delve into the primary advantages of developing such material for your audience to view or read. These include:

One: Google LOVES Original Content

With Google being the largest search engine producing the most results, the algorithm not only loves copy, but they also love high-quality, original information. This is the reason there are a countless number of books, articles, videos, podcasts, tutorials, and even college courses on how to create content marketing strategies and rank higher in Google as a result. All these learning avenues funnel down into one simple idea: create high-quality, beloved original information, and you will be successful.

The Google algorithm is obsessed with delivering the best and most accurate information for which the user is searching. Google provides the best customer service of any company in the world, in that they are constantly updating their search algorithm to provide the user with the most relevant service possible. Therefore, your company must jump on-board with high-quality, original material to provide the best experience possible. In a 2018 study conducted by SparkToro, researchers determined that Google sends ten-times more traffic to the average website than Facebook or any other site. This equates to original content marketing considerably boosting website traffic from organic searches.

Two: Original Content Drives Sales

However, boosting traffic is pointless if it is not converting visitors to sales. Luckily, high-quality copy drives additional sales. Most potential customers are not prepared to make a purchase the first time they visit your website. The average consumer traverses a buying process prior to committing to a purchase. With smaller and more simple products, like a pack of gum, the buying process is quick and spontaneous. With larger products, like a new laptop, the process is much longer since extensive research needs to be conducted before committing.

HubSpot has identified three stages of the purchasing process: awareness, consideration, and decision. Prior to making the purchase, the average consumer realizes they have any issues that need to be solved, which is the awareness stage. Next, they take the time to understand and research the issue in the consideration stage. Finally, they decide on which product or service best fulfills their need. A well-developed system aids the potential customer with all three stages through education on exactly what they are searching for.

High quality, original copy brings your potential customer closer to making a decision while building a direct relationship with your target consumer to increase the probability of them working with you in the future. Furthermore, inbound leads from online content marketing boast a 14.6% conversion rate while outbound leads from direct mail, cold calling, etc. have a 1.7% conversion rate (source: https://www.slideshare.net/NewsCred/50-best-stats-presentation)

Three: You Control the Conversation

Finally, original copy allows you to control the conversation with the consumer. In reality, it is much easier to sell a product that the consumer is looking for than cold selling. By controlling the conversation, you are able to educate the potential consumers on the information they need to make a decision. This is true for all forms of business, from selling dartboards online to selling cars at a brick-and-mortar dealership.

Why not write about these points for which the consumer is searching? Why not control the conversation during the decision phase of the consumer buying pattern? Your competitors are likely beating you to the decision and taking your most promising potential consumers.

How to Get Started with Original Content

Are you convinced of the value of generating original copy? If so, it is not difficult to get started. You have two options: take the do-it-yourself approach of generating content or work with a team who creates content as their business. If you are more creative and enjoy creating information, then the do-it-yourself approach is the best avenue for success. If you do not have the time and willpower to create copy, then it makes more sense to work with a team of experts who can create original content on your behalf, full of keywords, links, and other beneficial tools.

If you are interested in working directly with a team of experts, contact Simplemachine today! Our professionals can help generate the content you need to grow your business and rank highly in search engines!

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