2020 has been more than just a little strange. We’ve seen curveball after curveball thrown and it’s kept every industry on its toes. No matter what kind of business you run or what sector you’re in, you’ve likely been affected in some shape or form. Businesses not only regionally but globally have seen a drop in revenue, which in turn impacts just about everything else the business does. There’s a good chance you fall into this category as well. With the tightening of funds coming in, your business will need to rethink how it moves forward, not only for the rest of 2020 but for years to come. With the different shifts in revenue and money coming in you will need to adjust your budget. This will help you steady any unease your business might be going through while helping set you up for the next fiscal year. One of the main ways you’ll alter your business is through a pivot with e-commerce web design. Here are some of the top ways you can pivot with e-commerce web design for the remainder of the year.
Get on That Email List
Hopefully, you’ve been building up your email list over the years. If you haven’t, you need to get on that right away. While there are social media options out there, your email list is one of the best ways to send personalized information to large groups of people. You can send discounts and special offers to different members of your email list. If you run a brick and mortar store and have had to switch to running a primarily online business, you might be behind with this. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t start one up and build it up quickly.
How can you build up your email list quickly? A few tips include:
- Ask your social media followers to sign up
- Offer special discounts and services through your website
- Include your email and website information on your physical storefront
- Offer in-store discounts for email addresses when customers return to your store
You need to hit the pavement hard with this one, because with the possibility of future lockdowns lingering you’ll want to have a strong email list. Asking your current social media followers is something you need to do. You should also use a pop-up prompt in your e-commerce web design to help build the list. You can ask on the website, then provide a pop-up if the visitor tries to back out of the website or abandon their shopping cart. One of the best ways to boost email collection numbers is to offer some sort of discount, a free eBook, free shipping, or something else to build up that list.
When customers return to your store, you need to let them know about your website as well as your email list. Make this information easy to see when customers enter your store. You can also provide a gift or discount to in-store customers that give you their email account.
Focus on Website Design
Your website has quickly become the focal point of your business. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in. It doesn’t matter if your physical location was forced to shut down or not, chances are you saw a significant reduction in foot traffic with customers no longer wanting to venture out and be amongst people while shopping. Companies with a strong web presence have done fine during the current pandemic and shelter-in-place orders. Companies like Amazon, Walmart, and even delivery-based restaurants have seen some of their best sales numbers in years. You can pivot your business practice to do the same. However, to do it you need to have a website that is easy to navigate and user friendly.
So what all can be done towards a pivot with e-commerce web design to boost traffic, increase your search engine optimization, and bring in new sales? Some tips you’ll want to follow include:
- Cut down on load time
- Design your website mobile-friendly
- Edit your website to be easy to use
- Clean your website up
You’ll want to cut down on load time with your website. There are all kinds of ways this can be accomplished. For starters, move to a white background. Every other color used requires coding, which an Internet browser needs to decipher. Code for a color background isn’t much, but when you combine that with all the other code it can slow download time. The longer it takes for your website to load, the greater the chance a visitor will bounce from your website and visit the competition. There’s also a reason why Google uses a white background; it’s not just to help its logo pop, it helps make it the fastest loading website online.
You’ll want to format your images properly and reduce clutter to help cut down on load time. You’ll also want to make your website mobile-friendly. The team at Simplemachine can help you with this kind of e-commerce web design. They’ll point out what needs to be done to boost speed as well as improve sales numbers and draw more eyes (this will also help boost your email list). Proper e-commerce web design will also make your website easier to use and clean it up. This entails removing dead links and other content that might be hindering your search engine optimization.
Consider New Lines of E-Commerce Web Design Marketing
As more of your business is taking place online you will need to pivot to new e-commerce web design solutions. But how do you suddenly generate new traffic? The team at Simplemachine can help you with this. Proper e-commerce web design solutions will include marketing on social media platforms (although the right platform will depend on what you produce and your target demographic). You’ll also want to begin creating content, such as writing a blog. Writing a blog will help increase the number of times search engines source your website. If you haven’t been blogging you need to start this up. You’ll also want to consider other content creation methods, such as producing videos on YouTube.
Live streams boost your exposure as well. Social media platforms highlight live streams, which will help you gain new eyeballs. And don’t worry if you’re new to this. It’s easy to learn and you’ll see your e-commerce web design solutions taking root in no time.
Help with E-Commerce Web Design in 2020 and Beyond
Whether you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place or you’re simply trying to pick up what remains of your business following an extended shutdown, the remainder of 2020 is crucial in steadying the economic waters and readying yourself for what is to come next. Nobody knows what the tail end of 2020 might bring, but you can at least prepare for the possibilities. By following these tips, you’ll be on the right path. For further insights and more information on how to pivot with e-commerce web design, give our staff here at Simplemachine a call. We’re all small businesses and are in the same boat together. We understand what you’re going through and are here for your and your web design needs.