The Latest in Website SEO

Simplemachine SEO



Search Engine Optimization is one of those things you can’t just set up once and then wash your hands of forever. SEO evolves and changes. If you are not continually adjusting it, chances are that what you originally did to boost SEO will no longer function at peak level. Search engines like Google are always tinkering and adjusting search algorithms to improve the quality of content appearing at the top of search results. While there have not been any significant adjustments recently (such as Panda a few years back), there are seven changes set to take place in 2016 you need to make sure to implement in your website SEO.

Video Integration

Video integration continues to grow in importance. If you are not using visual material, especially videos, to share ideas and assist your customers, you are missing out. These don’t need to be Oscar-worthy productions, just short videos used to inform on a specific topic. Visitors to your website are more likely to watch a short video than read through an entire block of text. Plus, Google isn’t just pushing all video results over to the “Video” search feature. Google is blending the search results, which means your video content is more likely to rank highly on both traditional search and video search fields.

Mobile Optimization

Mobile internet searches have surpassed those made on traditional desktop computers. This means you need to create a mobile version of your website. Search engines rank mobile versions of a website higher than regular websites. Due to this, even if your desktop site ranks higher than the competition, if you don’t have a mobile offering, their mobile website may surpass your content on a mobile search, which puts you behind the eight ball. With four out of five consumers using smartphones and 70 percent of all mobile searches leading to some online action, now is the time to take advantage of mobile optimization, if you haven’t already.

Content Aggregation

One key website SEO feature you need to bring on board is content aggregation. What is this exactly? It is a knowledge graph, listicle, or other similar display. People want information that is easy to follow, easy to read and pops right out at them. Skimming through text can take too long, and even when a video is a great idea, content aggregation is fantastic supplemental assistance as it visually depicts the point you are trying to make on one page. While creating listicles and graphics do not work for every kind of post, content aggregation and bringing everything together in one location can prove to be a valuable tool.

Local SEO

Local SEO has been around for some time. However, with a new Google update, it is more important than ever. Known as Google Pigeon, this update makes local SEO especially important in bringing local customers to your website and storefront. You want to target your SEO to your general location through the assistance of maps, review services, and addresses listing your business site.

Staying up to date on your website SEO takes time and patience. You also need to understand how new changes affect your personal website. Of course, the problem with this is that you have a company to run. This is exactly why you need to turn to the professionals at Simplemachine Design. You will receive personalized assistance in boosting your SEO and internet presence.

Simplemachine is ready and waiting to help you.

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