Starting a Blog? Our Top Tips For You

Blogging Tips

Blogging is a great way to share ideas with the world. Maybe you have a thought on a particular subject, or you are an expert in a particular craft and want to help others learn and become passionate about what you love. Blogging is a great way to grow your business as it brings in regular readers to your website while reaching out to a potentially new audience. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that you can make some money off of it as well. You just need to know how to start a blog and a few tips about blogging. Whether you are a seasoned blogger, or you have yet to post a single article, here are a few top blogging tips to consider.

Always Tell the Truth

Far too many people want to sensationalize content in hopes of more viewers and clicks. This might work a few times and bring in more visitors initially, but you don’t want just a short burst of traffic. You want to sustain your readership, and the only way to do this is to provide quality, trustworthy content. Once someone finds out that they can no longer believe or rely on you, they will stop returning to your site.

Pick a Theme

Pick a theme and stick with it. You want your thoughts to be organized and revolve around something unified. This not only includes the look of your blog but the content of your blog. People need to know what your blog is about, so have a central idea. Whether it is about video gaming or cooking or traveling the world, have a theme.

Easy to Share

When you create content, you want others to share your material. Sure, people can copy your website URL, but that is a bit cumbersome. Instead, provide sharing options visitors can use with a single click. This includes social networking buttons like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others. You should share the post to these locations as well. Also, consider sharing it to DIGG, another social sharing website.

Keep It Short

Even if you are accustomed to writing scholarly articles with drawn-out information, web posts are far different, and you need to adjust your writing style accordingly. Some of the most valuable blogging tips revolve around the size of your text. First, you want to keep blog posts short. Typically, around 300 to 1,000 words. Anything shorter than 300 words and people won’t believe they can receive any beneficial information from it. Anything longer and people just don’t want to read that much. Also, keep your sentences and paragraphs short.

Keep a Regular Schedule

It is better for people to know when you have more content coming. Even if someone likes your initial content, they want to know you will have more for them in the near future. Provide content around the same time, once a week or so. The more content you produce, the better off you are, as it gives your readers more material and helps search engines catalog your website more often.It is better for people to know when you have more content coming. Even if someone likes your initial content, they want to know you will have more for them in the near future. Provide content around the same time, once a week or so. The more content you produce, the better off you are, as it gives your readers more material and helps search engines catalog your website more often.

Blogging is a great way to share your ideas with the world and bring more visitors to your website. Whether you run just a blog or a full online company and want a blog to reach new customers, following these blogging tips are sure to help you out. You can learn more about blogging, SEO, and content marketing with the support of Simplemachine. For additional questions on how to take your website to the next level, reach out to contact the professionals who can help you every step of the way.

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