Organic SEO Creates the Long-Lasting Results Your Business Needs

Organic Search Engine Optimization

Organic search engine optimization (SEO) has the potential to push a steady stream of online visitors to your company’s website, social media, blog and the rest of your online footprint. The beauty of organic SEO is that it does not rely on any sort of pay-to-play advertising methods such as Google AdWords. This inbound marketing strategy is centered on employing carefully selected keywords that drive traffic to your specific corner of the world wide web. You won’t be charged extra if an abundance of web surfers click your links from search engines.  The only cost of an organic SEO push is the fee charged by your content marketing partner and it is well worth it.

Organic SEO Creates the Long-Lasting Results Your Business Needs

There is a stark contrast between pay-per-click online advertising and organic SEO efforts. While pay-per-click advertising will drive traffic to your website in the short-term, the effects of organic SEO stretch across time.

Consider what happens when you stop paying for pay-per-click ads on search engines. Those advertisements no longer appear once you cut off the money spigot. Alternatively, organic SEO efforts centered on the use of specific keywords will generate results that have the potential to last forever. There is a good chance that your target customers will still be using the keywords and key phrases that are relevant to you business and its geography a year from now as well as 10 years from now.

Keyword Research is Organic SEO’s Launching Pad

Organic SEO starts with keyword research. Simplemachine has the experience and knowledge you need to select the ideal keywords and key phrases for your unique business. We understand the complex nuances of search engine algorithms. Keyword selection is much more challenging than it appears on its surface. Google and other search engines regularly update their algorithms to favor specific keywords and key phrases. Even using a certain keyword at a high frequency can harm a company’s search engine ranking.

Furthermore, geographic identifiers that describe the area in which a business operates must be chosen with great care. In some instances, it makes sense to use a keyword or phrase like a neighborhood’s nickname. This is an excellent example of how detail-intensive search engine algorithms have become. In the end, businesses that ally with an organic SEO specialist like Simplemachine will rest easy knowing that the most effective keywords for their particular industry and geographic area have been identified. The identification and use of these keywords will generate the most possible hits, leading those who are on the prowl for your products/services directly to your website.

Content Creation in the Context of Organic SEO

Once the appropriate keywords have been identified, the next step in organic SEO is using those words in content. The quality and frequency of your content matter a great deal. Your website, blog and social media should have a stream of keyword-laden content that helps your audience solve problems, obtain insight and view your business as an authority. Link building between websites is also important. If other websites, blogs and social media accounts outside of your business can be persuaded to feature links to your content, your traffic will undoubtedly spike.

Simplemachine is Here for Your Organic SEO Push

Researching, designing and implementing an organic SEO campaign is a complicated endeavor best left to the professionals here at Simplemachine. We know exactly how to craft an organic SEO campaign to the nuances of your unique business. Contact us today for more information about how we can drive traffic to your website and boost your bottom line.

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