The Controversy Surrounding the Forthcoming Google Mobile-Friendly Test

Mobile Friendly Website

Reports in the media and direct information provided from Google Webmaster inform Internet users that Google will be modifying its search engine algorithm onApril 21, 2015. The new algorithm will factor in a website’s mobile-friendly capacity into its search engine optimization (SEO) results. Website owners all over are expressing mixed responses to this shift in SEO, but Google advocates claim Google has been advising website owners to develop mobile-friendly websites for smartphone users for years.

Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

Some Internet users and webmasters who are critical of the forthcoming Google Mobile-Friendly Test are referring to the updated algorithm as “Mobilegeddon.” Other website owners are more thankful for the information ahead of time. In most cases, search engines do not notify their subscribed readers and followers about algorithm changes until the changes have already been made. The preemptive announcement regarding the algorithm update has allowed webmasters more time to update their website and make it mobile-friendly, thus retaining their former SEO ratings.

Most Internet advisers correlate a website’s mobile capability to its overall success. The shift in Google’s algorithm to a more mobile-friendly search engine has, at a basic level, forced webmasters into updating their websites and making them more accessible to mobile devices. Webmasters are now encouraged to increase the number of mobile visits that their websites obtain to maintain viable SEO strategies and stay higher in the rankings. According to statements released from Google Webmaster, websites that do not appear mobile-friendly will no longer appear higher in search results.

Don’t Ignore The Algorithm Update

In the reports issued by Google Webmaster, website owners received a message that Google’s search engine is now assessing “use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal.” The change will be issued among all languages, and search engine results will change dramatically. Website owners are encouraged to further develop their websites before April 21 to be Responsive and Mobile-Friendly.

There are some notable aspects of this algorithm update that some users are mistakenly ignoring. For instance, the algorithm update and Google Mobile-Friendly Test will only affect pages of a website, not the website overall. Certain websites that aren’t considered mobile-friendly according to Google’s test will not be displayed as prominently in search engine results. Other users are mistaking the responsiveness factor of the new algorithm. The responsiveness of a website’s design will not have a ranking benefit in the updated algorithm. Furthermore, tablets will not be affected by Google’s changes on April 21.

Webmasters who have attempted to forego creating mobile websites will not have to alter how they view SEO. Linking is one SEO aspect that will change slightly in the new algorithm. Linking is considered one of the most practical SEO tools and strategies. Mobile linking will require a different approach. Deep linking will correlate directly to the website’s responsiveness, but it may not necessarily affect SEO overall if the website isn’t following the guidelines provided by Google Mobile Usability standards.

Despite the positive change in the algorithm update, Google Mobile-Friendly Test Issues continue to remain. Some disadvantages of mobile websites are that they require more maintenance, and existing websites may need to be thoroughly reworked to appear user-friendly on a smartphone. The upfront expense of converting to mobile website from a traditional website has many webmasters inconvenienced and troubled by the update.

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