The idea of blogging for your website has been around for decades. Whether writing informative how-to articles or providing insights into your business, blogging provides your business with several major benefits. For starters, it helps continually drive traffic to your website! It also ensures Google and other search engines have to regularly crawl your site for updates. All of this helps with search engine optimization (SEO) while also providing content for both customers and casual Web searchers. Video blogging, or “vlogging” is a similar enterprise. Vlogging allows you to provide the same insightful information, only in a video presentation. The concept of a video blog is nothing new, yet it has taken time to catch on. Now is the perfect time for your company to take advantage of the vlog.
The Internet’s Short Attention Span
People have a short attention span when online. There’s no other way to put it. Users are so accustomed to instant gratification through a Web search, that if they do not locate exactly what they want within a few seconds, they will back out of a page and continue their search. A blog is a helpful way to provide helpful information. However, there are some who simply do not want to read a giant block of text, even if formatting is perfect and the paragraphs are short. This is where the vlog comes in.
The vlog provides this instant gratification. Designed to be short videos of only a few minutes in length, You can shed light on a topic, provide how-to content or simply educate others on what your company is doing on a daily basis. There are plenty of visitors out there who would rather watch than read. Creating a vlog provides this.
Vlogging Connects You With Additional Search Engines
Google is the largest, most used search engine in the world. The second? It isn’t Yahoo, Bing or any other third party search engine. It is YouTube. However, what is unique about YouTube is you won’t find the same search results as you would in the other engines. You’ll only find video content. This means, when creating a traditional blog, you’re completely missing out on the second most popular search engine in the world. By vlogging, you’ll increase your potential exposure by having YouTube share your information in searches. You will need to upload the finished vlog to YouTube, but this doesn’t take much time, and you can then embed the video onto your page. Plus, there are all sorts of perks to posting content to YouTube, including potential ad revenue (once you hit 10,000 views) and some pretty nice Google recognition, should you hit 100,000 subscribers.
Expand Your Outreach
By adding a vlog, you’ll increase your outreach. With the inclusion of YouTube, you now have a new search engine and social media service to share and grow your brand, all without much more work.
When you vlog, you provide helpful insights into how your business works. It also helps bring in traffic from varying search engines and websites. While it doesn’t mean you should stop your current blog, the vlog simply works as another outreach service to improve sales and ad revenue. If you’re interested in starting up a vlog for your website, want to take your online marketing to the next level or simply have questions as to how your company can see sales increase through better SEO, website design and media integration onto your site, make sure to contact Simplemachine. You may be surprised as to just how much these changes can do for your company.