Look around you, right now—how many electronic devices can you see? How many smart phones? How many laptops? How many tablets? Depending on where you are, there could be dozens or more. According to a 2016 ComScore study, approximately 80% of the U.S. population owns a smart phone. That’s 198.5 million people.
Studies also show that a majority of these smart phone owners depend on their devices to make purchasing decisions. In one particular survey, 89% of respondents said they use their devices to find deals and do comparison shopping.
The prevalence of digital devices in the modern age cannot be overstated. But how can you take advantage of that? Here are six benefits of digital marketing you should consider:
Digital marketing levels the playing field
Digital marketing allows small- and medium-sized businesses to go toe to toe with the big boys. Small companies now have the resources to drive sales and marketing campaigns that were previously left only to the larger companies. It doesn’t matter if all you have is $1,000—that’s more than enough to profitably market your business on the Internet.
It is highly cost-effective
Small businesses don’t have the large budgets big companies have. This means we have to get value from every single marketing activity. This is exactly what you get with digital marketing: spending less to gain more. Consider a strategy like e-mail marketing, where you can get an ROI of 3,800%—pretty incredible, right? According to a Garter’s Digital Marketing Spend Report, you’ll save at least 40% of costs with digital marketing.
Digital marketing delivers conversions
While the figures vary depending on the type of business you’re running, your industry, your target audience, and so many other factors, there is no denying that digital businesses convert more sales compared to offline-only businesses. This is because platforms such as social media and search engines are potent sources of hot leads. If you can do your job well, it won’t be long before you’re doubling your sales.
It generates better revenue
The low investment costs coupled with high ROI means digital marketing will leave you with high revenues. According to one Google study, companies using digital marketing strategies generate 2.8 times more revenue. The study also found that digital companies are 3.3 times more likely to expand their workforce and business.
You’ll retain more customers
Digital platforms are more effective at customer engagement. Look at social media, for example. With networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, you can stay in touch with customers round the clock and provide better customer support—both of which can improve customer satisfaction and boost customer loyalty.
Digital marketing is good for branding
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, digital marketing is one of the best ways to build your brand. As a small business owner with big aspirations, you’re probably looking to penetrate new markets and get as many people as possible to discover your brand. There aren’t many better ways to achieve this than through digital marketing. Digital channels give you the key to every corner of the globe. You can reach just about anyone. And it’s all so simple!
How Simplemachine can help
If you’re wondering where to begin, Simplemachine is always here to help. We have the skills, technology, and experience to get your website to the top of search engine results. Once the site is up there, we will also help you maximize your digital marketing campaigns for lead capture and conversion. Contact us today to get started!