Guide Your Business With a Digital Marketing Strategy


Give your business direction by creating a fresh digital marketing strategy that ditches outdated rules of thumb and takes on new, exciting opportunities. According to Wikipedia, digital marketing refers to the “targeted, measurable, and interactive marketing of products or services using digital technologies to reach and convert customers, and retain them”. Although the underlying concepts of marketing stay constant with time, digital marketing strategies evolve. Use the following tips to create a digital marketing strategy that will help your business.

Focus on Mobile

Your customers don’t sit at behind a computer all day and all night aimlessly surfing the web through their dial-up connection. The modern customer works, plays, learns, and shops using smartphones, tablets, and other mobile platforms, so your company must emphasize marketing to mobile users as part of an overarching digital marketing plan.

Mobile online users have surpassed desktop users in numbers, advertising exposure and money spent. As smartphones and tablets continue to gain popularity, expect even more people to depend on mobile platforms for everything from shopping to entertainment.

Deemphasize SEO

No one expects Google to fall behind in either its search or advertising business, but pinning all your hopes on the Google search engine no longer guarantees the success of a digital marketing plan. Without entirely abandoning search engine marketing, businesses should focus on interactively and directly engaging their target market to get a better and faster return on investment.

Accept New Payment Methods

Brick and mortar companies that accept EMV-enabled credit and debit cards can inspire confidence among consumers, but other payment forms now compete for the heart of the shopper. Although non-traditional payment methods such as PayPal and Google Wallet have gained traction in the marketplace, new payment methods from Apple, Wal-Mart, Amazon, and other major players promise to attract, young, savvy shoppers. Accepting new payment methods gives your company a good marketing topic that can help lure Millenial shoppers.

According to CNet, annual mobile payments will reach $118 billion by 2018, suggesting customers will leave businesses out in the cold who fail to embrace new payment methods.

Embrace Marketing Automation

At the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show, Andy Markowitz, the marketing manager for General Electric, announced that his company would begin disbanding its anonymous marketing tactics to eliminate irrelevant advertising and direct spending on marketing automation that will directly engage its target market. According to, GE believes that the large-scale development of one-on-one relationships will help it efficiently spend its marketing dollars.

When you incorporate the latest tactics in you digital marketing strategy, you will realize an improved return on investment that comes in the form of increased sales and positive regard in the online community. Get started today, by contacting us, and let our digital marketing strategy lead your business to success.

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