Lead Generation in the Age of Social Media | Northwest Arkansas

Lead Generation | Social Media

Online marketing continues to dominate the advertising business. While your company shouldn’t completely turn away from traditional formats such as print, radio and television, marketing through the internet opens up a world of possibilities.

Despite these new advancements in marketing, your company still relies on lead generation, just as businesses did decades before the internet came into existence. However, modern technology and interaction give you an abundance of tools to seek out potential clients. Social media is one such avenue you need to take advantage of in order to fully realize your company’s potential. Lead generation in the age of social media is a valuable asset. You just need to know how to take advantage.

Polls and Surveys

The beauty of social media is it puts in your hands the ability to interact with both clients and individuals who have never heard of your company before. Polls and surveys are one of the best ways to cultivate interaction with those who might not normally comment or post on your account.

These polls and surveys can be just a handful of questions with a “yes or no” answer or other basic responses. With a created poll or survey, you can learn what customers are looking for while generating new leads —all at the same time.

Paid Advertisements

Placing advertisements on accounts such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or others comes with several benefits. While you do have to pay for every click on your advertisement, those who interact with your ad are at the very least curious about your products and services.

When someone clicks on your ad, you have the ability to gain information about them, ranging from their username to contact data, demographic information and geographical location. While you’re paying for these leads, they may prove more fruitful due to the potential customer’s noted interest in your company.

Discount Codes

One of the main reasons individuals follow businesses on social media is for the discounts and promotional sales. Showcasing your products and services is important, as it shows a human side to the company, but saving people money is what really interests consumers.

When you provide a discount code through social media, you’re doing two different things. First, you can see exactly how well your social media posts are doing. Every time someone puts in your social media exclusive code, you’ll know exactly where the customer is coming from. Second, you can grow your lead generation with the help of these provided sales. The discount codes can be hidden from non-followers, so they need to follow your social media account to receive access to these discounts. Once someone begins following your account, you’ll instantly convert them into a lead — if not a possible customer — with the discount.

Refer Friends

Tell current followers to refer friends to your social media accounts with provided discounts. This will help generate leads and give your current customers a reason to come back.

As your business grows, so too does the list of responsibilities on your plate. Maintaining multiple social media accounts is time consuming, and chances are there are not enough minutes in the day for you to tackle all of your daily tasks as well as focus on social media lead generation. With the help of Simplemachine, your company will fully realize its lead generation potential, which in turn will boost client numbers and increase sales. 08

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