Pantone Just Released 2019’s Color of the Year! | Simplemachine

2019 Pantone Color of the Year | Simplemachine

Color plays a significant part in the design of any website. Think about all of the sites you visit on a daily basis. They are full of colors, some vibrant and some bland. The color representation is a symbol of both that company and that brand.  When anyone creates the design of a site, color has to be at the top of your mind. The year 2019 is bringing a new color of the year — PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral.

Web and graphic design are all areas of intense focus by Companies such as this stand out among the crowd because they understand the importance of keeping up with the latest trends.

So many folks have little shops and restaurants, and all of them need to show their value. When you incorporate go-forward colors like the PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral color of the year for 2019, you indeed are staying on the cutting edge and keeping ahead of the curve.

Crafting Representative Designs

The process of putting together designs for any company is challenging.  The goal is to connect you with your brand, as well as connect you to your customers. It is all about taking a message, a voice, and a vision and combining them all in a way that is visual.

Getting front and center with customers is genuinely what it is all about. It is the best way for people to gain awareness of your brand and to recognize it as a showcase for your products or services.

Designs can come in many forms, from web and graphic design to logo design and more. The idea when crafting a typical design for your business is to make trendy, current and individual so that it is identifiable to your business.

The Value of the Design

When you think about the designs of any website, it is essential to understand its value.  The design of your company’s web presence is the first impression on any customer. Before they read a word or look at a product, they will see your design and recognize it as a symbol of your brand and your vision.

Think about all of the big brands in the marketplace. Look at Coca-Cola, for example. When you see that red logo, you immediately think of them as a soda company. It may not even be the logo but just that red hue that lets it stand on its own.

The same goes for the way Apple uses colors in its unique and simple designs. The MacBook has a grey cover, while their logo is white.  It is not necessarily just the Apple logo they have, but it is the colors from which they are designed that tie everything together.

The Color of the Year Highlight

Incorporating the color of the year, PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral, into your designs is going to be pivotal. The new color is a vibrant coral hue that has an undertone that screams of gold. It is all about energy and bringing things to life while maintaining an edge that is somewhat soft overall.

While vibrant and mellowness do not always go together, they do with the PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral.  As a design company, we still get excited when new colors such as this make their way into the limelight.  The PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral color of the year has a unique comfort level associated with it. It has a buoyancy to it.

Uses for the Color of the Year

There are excellent use case scenarios for the new PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral color of the year. Think about all of the social media and digital technology we get hit with every single day. We see things blasting in front of our eyes basically every five to ten minutes. Do you gain comfort in what you see?  The chances are that the comfort level is not nearly where you want it to be.

The reaction you will get with the PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral color of the year is one of relaxation.  The idea is to have an authentic, immersive experience that is more intimate and connected.

Graphics and designs with the PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral color of the year allow for the spirit to come out and welcome individuals to your brand, services, and products. It is a nurturing color that can be in the background of everyday life, while still bringing vibrancy to anything in its presence.

Applying the Color of the Year in 2019

It is time to take advantage of the PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral color of the year. You can use it in creating new brands that are welcoming and nurturing. You can use it in your marketing if you want to try and give a comforting vibe to your customers. No matter your product or service, there are plenty of application possibilities.

The time is now to work with us at Our team is on top of the latest trends in designs of advertising, websites, logos, and graphics. We can take the design possibilities that go hand-in-hand with the PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral color of the year and apply them to benefit your business. Reach out to us today to start working towards bringing your company, brand, products, and services front and center with your target audience.


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