What Rebranding Could Mean For Your Business | Arkansas Marketing

Rebranding | Brand Image

Is your business struggling with it’s identity? Perhaps your established client base has stopped growing and you’re in search of a new way to connect with your customers. Maybe the company has gone through a trying period and you want to redefine your business. Whatever the reasoning, rebranding can rejuvenate your business and breathe life back into it. Simplemachine offers a number of rebranding services, each of which can help bring take your company to new heights.

Redefine Your Business Against the Competition

One of the biggest problems companies face is setting itself apart from the competition. When two companies provide similar products some consumers may see the two as interchangeable. Marketing has the ability to showcase what makes your business different. This kind of rebranding has been used successfully in multiple industries. It’s about understanding what the key demographic is looking for while establishing a company persona and personality.

Connect With a New Target Demographic

Another of the reasons why you might want to rebrand your business is to help connect with a new audience. There are a number of reasons to pursue rebranding for this reason. The company may have developed a new product with a different potential client base for the product. Another reason is your current client base may have started to shrink. Perhaps the company caters to an older demographic with dwindling numbers, or customers are moving to another product or service. Regardless of the exact reason, rebranding, when done properly, may lead to growth within the market.

Update to Stay Current

Industries change over time. Some evolve faster than others, but regardless of what sector you work in, the industry with shift overtime. It’s why so many major companies continue to shift slogans, looks and even graphic design logos. Fast foot chains such as McDonald’s and Wendy’s do this all the time. So do soft drink companies, clothing designers and nearly every other major business. While some branding is universal and remains used, it’s important for your business to stay up to date with what’s going on both within the industry and around the service area. By considering both of these points of concern you can stay up to date with what’s going on in the world and your local community by rebranding.

Older companies often struggle with rebranding. Businesses that have been around for decades (if not longer) want to stick with what has worked, so there may be some pushback with employees and even members of the board of directors. However, business continually changes. Rebranding doesn’t need to mean abandoning what made the company. It does mean the head of the business wants to refresh the business in order to make sure it is around for the foreseeable future. If a company waits too long for a branding overhaul it runs the risk of not being able to turn the business around in time.

New Level of Excitement Within the Company

Change is often not only good for bringing in new customers, but for employees as well. Rebranding may change some of what your employees do. This helps freshen up their daily routine and give them a new sense of purpose. A boost of energy within the company may help improve productivity, self-pride and confidence. It is important, when going through a rebranding, to explain to employees what is going on and why.

Improve Bottom Line

No matter what kind of business you run, it all comes back to the bottom line. If you’re bottom line is shrinking it’s necessary to do something about it. The main reason you’ll want to implement rebranding within the business is to boost the bottom line. When designing a new branding and marketing campaign targeted at a new demographic, the ultimate goal is to boost the bottom line and increase revenue streams. Unless you believe the rebrand has the ability to bring in new revenue streams, you shouldn’t use a rebrand. Hold off on the rebrand until you identify the best course of action and determine which will help reach the desired, financial goals.

Newly Defined Goals

Your goals as a business owner will shift over time. Perhaps you want to grow your social media presence or you want to push a new sector of the company. When your business changes your branding needs to follow suit. Now, it doesn’t mean you need to extensively redo your entire brand identity. It may just need a slight upgrade in appearance and modernization. Many of the best rebrands are subtle by nature. Determining a new branding to go along with your new goals is crucial though, which is why going with an experienced service provider such as Simplemachine can help. The team will work with you in creating new graphic design material, identify new ways to reach a target audience and build upon your current social media and SEO presence.

It’s Not Just Your Logo

Some managers and owners assume a rebrand is all about changing the graphic design logo. While upgrading the logo is often part of the rebrand, it doesn’t stop there. While there are no set rules regarding what you need to do or what you should avoid, rebranding often includes updating your business statement, bringing in a new catch phrase, changing your color scheme and implementing the new changes into all new marketing material.

The level of the rebrand often depends on why you’re rebranding the company. If it’s simply to modernize it you may only need subtle changes and fresher graphic design material. However, if you’ve experienced a series of bad publicity, it may prove beneficial to completely redesign all of your company branding, including all new graphic design logos, imagery and content marketing. The marketing and design experts at SimpleMachine can sit down with you and help determine the best course of action and what kind of rebranding may prove best for your company.

Define New Technology

Rebranding may help identify new technological advances made within the industry. Perhaps your company has started to shift towards conducting more business online than in person. You need to embrace this and highlight it in the new branding information. Customers want to align themselves not only with a current company but a successful one as well. By highlighting the new technology it indicates to customers your business not only uses new technology but openly embraces it. With the team at Simplemachine, you’ll discover exactly how you can highlight this information and how to best incorporate the new technology into graphic design material on top of the new marketing your company takes advantage of.

Creating a new identity for your business has a number of benefits. There are also a number of reasons as to why you may find yourself interested in such a rebranding. No matter the reason or the size of your business, the Arkansas marketing and Internet design team at Simplemachine can provide you with a new graphic design, social media assistance, develop a content marketing and everything else you might need to rebrand your business and take it to the next level. All you need to do is pick up the phone and give the team a call at your earliest convenience.

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