Why Your Business Should Utilize Search Engine Optimization | Simplemachine

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As a small business owner, you probably hear about search engine optimization (SEO) on a daily basis. You might even know what SEO is and how it works. However, like many other SMB owners out there, you could still be unsold on the whole thing, possibly wondering how SEO would help your business.

Well, search engine optimization can benefit your business in five key ways;

  • SEO improves visibility and branding

According to Smart Insights, about 92% of Americans begin their browsing journeys on search engines. Worldwide, Google alone registers 3.5 billion searches every single day, translating to at least 1.2 trillion searches every year. Search engines put your content, products, and services in front of all these people. This improved visibility can, among other things, tremendously benefit your branding efforts. More people will learn about your products and interact with your brand, ultimately boosting your growth.

  • Search engine optimization is good for credibility

In this age of digital commerce where consumers are buying from sellers in distant locations – sellers they might never get to meet – trust is the fabric that holds everything together. Put simply, the only reason that customer from Asia still buys from your American store is that they trust you. It’s because they feel they can depend on you for the products or services they’re looking to purchase. Search engine optimization services can help you further build this trust. By consistently appearing at the top of search engine results, you’re able to convince consumers to trust you.

  • SEO brings you consistent traffic

One of the main reasons businesses optimize their websites for search engines is the traffic potential of these engines. Indeed, MOZ says that at some point, the company was able to increase a client’s website traffic by 40,000 in just one month by optimizing the site for search engines. Search engine optimization services generate traffic in many ways. First off, ranking at the top of search engine results will get you plenty of traffic from the more than 3.5 billion daily searches. Additionally, search engines allow people to find your company by name which can further boost your traffic numbers. And then, SEO tactics such as outbound link building can generate sizeable traffic too.

  • Search engine optimization gives you consumer insight

For business growth, you need to be able to understand the needs of your consumers. Who are they? Where do they live? What do they need? When do they need it? Why do they behave as they do? Search engines are one of the best places to gather this data and SEO one of the best ways to find out the information. You’ll be able to find out the geographical location of your consumers, the technology they use, the language they prefer, and a lot more.

  • SEO guarantees incredible ROI

SEO has one of the best returns on investment (ROI) records among advertising strategies. There are two main reasons for this. First, SEO costs very little. Getting your website to appear in Google and other search engines won’t cost you a dime, and once you’re there, you just need to invest in blogging to receive favorable rankings. Secondly, search engine optimization services don’t disrupt consumers’ lives. Unlike TV and Radio, SEO results are only presented when users ask for them. Moreover, when a consumer searches, they will only get relevant results. Put together; these two factors tend to drive up conversions resulting in higher ROIs.

Get Professional Search Engine Services Today

Looking to kick-start your online and search engine dominance? Choose our professional search engine optimization services. Contact us today to get started.

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