2021 New Year, New Website! | Online Marketing Trends

Online Marketing Trends 2021

Every year it’s a good idea to get updated on the projected marketing trends of the future based on the recent past. Here are online marketing trends to look for in 2021 that will make a visible impact.

Growth of Virtual Events

Live streaming presentations can be conducted by any type of business as a webinar or other type of showcase for products and services. Virtual events are among the many ways to increase website traffic, along with multichannel influencer marketing.

More Widespread Use of E-Commerce

Surveys point to increasing online shopping in the coming years, partly out of convenience and concern for social distancing. About half of the global population has been shopping more frequently online throughout the pandemic. So it only makes sense for businesses to implement an e-commerce solution on their sites for taking online orders.

Social Responsibility Will Become More Essential in Brand Building

Don’t underestimate what consumers think about brand accountability. The pandemic has made people more aware of social issues, as consumers increasingly expect social responsibility to be part of a company’s public image.

Rise in User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) has always been popular on the internet, especially with the rise of social media. Since more people are staying home during the pandemic, they have more time to upload original content to the internet. Consumer reviews have become very valuable and influential. Working with a digital marketer that offers website hosting gives you maximum control of uploading content to your own website.

Greater Emphasis on Video

Video has been an ongoing no-brainer trend since the broadband era began in the early 2000s. YouTube is still the easiest platform to use for posting videos online at no charge. Studies confirm that posts with at least one video or visuals get about 90 percent more traffic than text-only posts. A major advantage to video promotion or video demonstration is that it can deliver a wealth of information quickly. While live streaming events can be audio podcasts, video podcasts will have more impact.

Increased use in Marketing Automation

Marketing automation technology in now embraced by 68 percent of marketing professionals, according to a survey published on Social Media Today. Mixing in machine learning will help keep automated marketing personalized. It’s important to collect as much data on consumers as possible so that machine learning tools can address each consumer’s needs based on their purchasing history.

Data Visualization Specialists Will be in Demand

Larger companies are becoming increasingly aware of data science and what a data visualization specialist can deliver. Analytics from IoT devices will continue to make the smart revolution more the norm. The more data that can be analyzed by machine learning systems, the more different types of colorful charts and graphs your company can use to streamline its operations.

Voice and Visual search will increase

Both voice and visual search make it easier and faster for the common internet user to find the online content they’re looking for. In 2020 voice search accounted for about half of all online searches. Visual search allows users to upload images that are coded with descriptions. The new Lens feature from Pinterest is an example of visual search. Both global smart speaker shipments and voice shopping are set to increase exponentially in the next few years.

Expansion of influencer content

Online influencers will rise in stature as consumers turn to experts more for advice on new products. Consumers will be much more careful about how they spend their money in 2021 and will rely more on trusted influencers than generic marketing. So it’s important for website owners to tighten up their blogs to showcase their expertise and authority.


Keeping up with online trends is part of maintaining a website that attracts loyal followers. Contact the experts at Simplemachine for further information on website development, search engine optimization and content marketing today!

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