Dermatology Clinic Marketing & Web Design

As a dermatology clinic, you rely heavily on a local clientele. While your clinic might see some coming in from out of town, or even out of state, the majority of your business is done with localized customers. This means you need to market to this client base. Sure, it would be great to grow your influence throughout the state and even the region, but you need to ask yourself if it is financially desirable to focus on customers who would need to invest an incredible amount of time and money to visit your clinic. Instead, you need to geographically market your business to your immediate location. Simplemachine can help you with its dermatology clinic marketing services, which are designed specifically for connecting you with your local target audience.

What is Geographical Marketing

As a physical business, you have a geographical footprint. This means most of your customers come from an established region around your business. There will always be visitors from outside of the footprint, but the vast majority of your sales and services go toward people who are within a short drive of the clinic.

To help generate leads and bring in new customers you need to focus on this geographical marketing approach. While there are still traditional forms of marketing, including print, television, and radio advertisements, they are outdated and downright expensive. It is now easier than ever before to take advantage of online marketing services that are dedicated to focusing specifically on a given region.

Regional Marketing Services

You need your business to pop regionally. This starts with search engine results. When a potential customer is interested in dermatology services, they will almost always turn to search engines such as Google to see what options are available. Due to this, you need to perform well locally in Google’s search for terms such as “Local Dermatology Clinic,” “Dermatology Clinic My City” or “Dermatology Clinic Near Me”.

There are a number of ways your business can establish itself as a major player for regional search engine results over the competition. It is one of the many ways Simplemachine can help connect you with more desirable search engine traffic. This is done through the aid of geographical SEO.

You’ve likely heard of search engine optimization previously. This is the method of making your website more desirable to search engines while improving your search engine result ranking. Geographical SEO or GEO SEO takes this to another level. Instead of focusing on a generalized search engine result, a geographically based SEO approach improves how well your website performs for a specific location.

Simplemachine can help go through your entire website and focus on elements to help boost this regionally based SEO approach. This way, when someone in the immediate area logs onto Google and begins looking for local dermatology clinics, they will come upon yours earlier in the search results, which boosts the chance of them visiting your website and potentially making an appointment with your clinic.

Advertising as a Part of Marketing

Many people use the words advertising and marketing as interchangeable words. This, however, is not completely accurate. Advertising is part of marketing. It is one form of outreach and connecting with your key demographic. However, marketing is much larger than just advertising. It includes everything from public relations to distribution, customer support and even educating potential customers. Basically, any kind of outreach performed by your clinic is marketing.

Advertising is still important. You may want to pay for television spots or OTT. This is an approach targeted at connecting with customers. However, Simplemachine’s marketing services will show you how to expand your outreach and how to provide potential customers with additional means of discovering with your business.

Establishing a Strong Social Media Presence

Social media is one pillar of the marketing approach. You need to have a strong social media presence nowadays. This includes having a Facebook profile. You will likely want to expand elsewhere as well, depending on the specific services you offer. You may want to highlight the improvements in the skin following treatments using Instagram or Snapchat. You may also want to maintain a LinkedIn profile or even post videos on YouTube.

Having a strong social media presence isn’t always directly advertising. It gives potential clients a way to discover the services you provide, connect with you, and even contact you. Customer support is a critical aspect of marketing, and having these different social media outreach methods, you’ll find new ways to influence potential customers.

Of course, you can advertise on social media. Purchasing ads on Facebook and Instagram can boost exposure and bring a local client base to your social account, which can supplement what you’re already doing on these platforms. Much like marketing as a whole, social advertising is just a part of what you do on the social accounts. Simplemachine can help you establish an entire marketing and advertising approach, designed to boost connectivity and your ability to bring in new leads.

Educate Your Potential Clients

One of the best ways to influence your target audience and to bring them into your clinic is to help educate your potential clients. You need to establish your clinic as a leader in the region when it comes to dermatology. How do you do this? Yes, you need to include credentials on your website. However, there are additional methods you need to take advantage of as well.

The best way to establish yourself as an expert in the field is to educate your clients on the subject matter. This can be done through blogs and videos. Potential clients greatly appreciate how-to videos and self-help material as they will come to rely on the information you provide them. Once someone trusts the information, you have to give them they become that much more likely to visit your clinic when they are ready for one of the services you offer. So, whether they are interested in basic skin care services or it is something more serious, they will already feel as if they can trust you as you’ve established yourself as an expert in the field.

Boost Dermatology Clinic Patient Volume with Marketing Services

The best method for boosting patient volume and even transaction size is to focus on your clinic’s marketing. Marketing is not a one size fits all approach. There are a number of variables you need to consider based on the services you offer, your budget, and what you’re currently utilizing. However, knowing the best course of action can be difficult. After all, you are a skincare specialist, not a marketing wizard.

This is where Simplemachine comes in. Simplemachine is here to offer your clinic personalized marketing services. These marketing services are geared not only to your industry but to your clinic. You and your dermatology clinic are unique, and your marketing needs to fit what you do, your target audience, and the individuals you want to bring into the clinic.

If you’re ready to take full control of your marketing, boost your search engine ranking and bring in a greater number of quality leads to your clinic, now is the time to give Simplemachine a call. So, whether you have basic questions or are ready to sit down and discuss exactly what can be done, feel free to give the team a call at your earliest convenience.

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