Website Builders and their Restrictions | Simplemachine

Website Builders

If you own a business and do not currently have a website, you are lagging the competition. If you are considering using a website builder, think again. While many site builders offer basic functionality, they do not dig into the details that help you rank highly on Google and can even hurt your rankings. Although seemingly straightforward at first glance, most site builders require additional knowledge to ensure the website forms decently. Additionally, you will need to understand search engine optimization (SEO), how the site appears on mobile devices, how the customer’s monitor matters, the limitations, and many other factors.

Therefore, if you are thinking of using a site builder, it is important to understand their restrictions before moving forward. Keep reading to find out!

Basic Cookie-Cutter Templates

From a design perspective, builders offer a few average-looking templates to all customers. Site builders bypass the lack of coding knowledge their users have and only give specific templates to select. This allows you to place text here and a picture there but any design elements outside of the framework is not possible. This makes it extremely difficult for your company to stand out from the competition.


Site builders market their products as easy-to-use with only a few clicks required to create a new site. However, once, you try to resize images, customize pages, or delve into links, the process becomes much more difficult. It can take a tremendous amount of time to learn how to change sections or utilize deeper functionality.

Limited Mobile Functionality

Coding is an incredibly critical aspect of mobile functionality and viewing. Most builders lack mobile optimization within the software and since mobile searches have surpassed desktop browsing, this cannot be missed. When you reach an issue with how the design or content appears on a mobile device, the builder does little to help.

Missing SEO Elements

One of the greatest misses of using a builder is they do not fully and truly integrate lead generation or SEO into their process of creation. They also don’t inform you of the importance of adding call-to-actions on your site or creating soft customer offers to capture email addresses. Your site requires these features and much more so the site can convert leads into customers. On the other hand, platforms like WordPress have add-ons that can help you implement SEO, capture email addresses, and add call-to-actions.

The SiteLooks Off

Most builders provide a preview of the site before publishing but it never looks identical to the preview. For this reason, you could spend considerable time creating a page that does not look high-quality as intended. This can be incredibly frustrating because you are limited to what the builder allows you to do.

A builder offers the most basic functionality but cannot create unique websites that function professionally and are aesthetically pleasing. A great alternative to a site builder is WordPress which is easy-to-use, has endless templates, and is SEO friendly. Simplemachine can build your dream site in WordPress and teach you how to use, edit, and create new content.

If you’re looking for a company that offers WordPress training and allows for SEO implementation on your website then contact the experts at Simplemachine today! Their highly-trained staff is standing by ready to answer your questions!

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